Rhododendrons and Azaleas

Rhododendrons and azaleas are gorgeous assets to the spring garden with multiple uses.  All azaleas are rhododendrons, but not all rhododendrons are azaleas.  All of them are included under the genus, Rhododendron, but what is the difference?  Those known as rhododendrons are evergreen (with a few exceptions) and are generally larger and have larger leaves and flower trusses than azaleas.  And, among azaleas there are evergreen and deciduous types.  Confused?  Some of the technical differences include the number of stamens and the construction of the underside of the leaves.  But, we don’t need to know those details, we just want to choose the prettiest ones best suited for our gardens!  Rhododendrons benefit from light shade (especially where summers are hot), organically rich acidic soil, even moisture, and excellent drainage.  Planting too deep is often a cause of failure, as they are shallow-rooted.  They should be planted an inch or so higher than they grew in the nursery or container, and mulched with wood chips or oak leaves. 

Note:  All parts of this plant are poisonous if eaten, including honey made from rhododendron nectar.

Deciduous Rhododendrons and Azaleas

Rhododendron austrinium

“I have spoken to plants myself, and if pressed for conclusions would have to say that those I threatened did better than those I - well, I wouldn't say prayed over, but pleaded with, cajoled. A rhododendron that hadn't bloomed for six years was flatly told it would be removed the following year if there were no flowers. Need I say that it has bloomed profusely ever since?”Eleanor Perenyi

Deciduous azaleas are some of the most beautiful flowering shrubs for the garden.  Not only do they possess beautiful flower forms and eye-catching colors, but most are delightfully fragrant and attract butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden.  They are excellent additions to the shrub border, woodland garden, or as an accent plant.  They all prefer rich, humusy, acidic soil, and excellent drainage (so beware of planting too deeply).  They like morning sun and some protection from direct, strong afternoon sun.  A beautiful addition to any garden.  A warning though, deer love them!  I took a picture of the ‘Spring Sensation’ Aromi hybrid below while it was still in the pot, then planted it, and the next day found that all the buds had been nibbled off overnight

Rhododendron arborescens, sweet, or smooth azalea, Zones 4-7.  Of all the eastern native North American azaleas, this species is said to be the most fragrant.  The white flowers have pink to reddish stamens and bloom in late spring or early summer after the leaves have emerged.

Rhododendron arborescens has white flowers with pink stamens and is very fragant.Rhododendron arborescens

Aromi hybrid azaleas, Zones 5-9.  This is a group of deciduous hybrid azaleas bred by Dr. Gene Aromi of Mobile, Alabama, in order to develop azaleas similar to the English Exbury hybrid azaleas, that could withstand southern heat and humidity.  By crossing Exbury hybrids with some of our native species he succeeded in producing hybrids with the best of both—large flower trusses from the Exburys, and heat tolerance, disease resistance, and great fragrance from the natives.  A few cultivars include 'Amelia Rose,' deep pink;  ‘Clear Creek,’ soft yellow with white at the base and pink stamens; ‘Country Cousin,’ pink with orange blotch; ‘Dancing Rabbit,’ bright yellow; ‘Queen’s Lace,’ cream w/darker yellow blotch; ‘Red Pepper,’ red-orange; ‘Spring Sensation,’ pink buds open white w/pink streak on each petal and pink stamens; ‘Tipsy Tangerine,’ orange; ‘White Star,’ white w/yellow blotch.

The Mobile Botanical Gardens has a great collection.

Aromi hybrid azalea 'Clear Creek' has soft yellow flowers with a white base and pink stamens.Aromi hybrid azalea 'Clear Creek'
Aromi hybrid azalea 'Spring Sensation' has pink buds that open white with a pale pink stripe down the center of each flower.  Beautifully scented.Aromi hybrid azalea 'Spring Sensation'

Rhododendron austrinum, Florida azalea, Zones 7-9.  This native azalea can light up a shrub border with its eye-catching fragrant flowers in shades of creamy white to nearly red.  Like most true azaleas, this one is deciduous.  Some selected cultivars include 'Admiral Semmes,' golden-yellow; ‘Apricot,’ apricot; ‘Don’s Variegated,’ orange w/variegated foliage; ‘Escatawpa,’ yellow-orange; ‘My Mary,’ yellow; and ‘Reagan,’ reddish-orange.

Rhododendron austrinum. This native azalea can light up a shrub border with its eye-catching fragrant flowers in variable shades of creamy white to nearly red.Rhododendron austrinum
Rhododendron x 'Admiral Semmes' is a hybrid between an Exbury azalea and R. austrinum.  It is golden-yellow, very fragrant and lights up the garden.Rhododendron x 'Admiral Semmes'

Rhododendron calendulaceum, flame azalea, Zones 5-7.  Flame azalea is a native to much of the Appalachian chain from New York to Georgia.  The flowers can be quite variable in color ranging from yellow to yellow-orange to orange-red to red, and are not fragrant, but are very showy.  They bloom in late spring or early summer, and prefer light shade and even moisture. 

Rhododendron calendulaceum is a native deciduous azalea of the eastern Appalachian Mountains in variable colors of yellows, oranges, and reds.Rhododendron calendulaceum
Rhododendron calendulaceum 'Smokey Mountaineer' is a cultivar chosen for its orange-red flowers and good fall color, too.Rhododendron calendulaceum 'Smokey Mountaineer'

Rhododendron canescens, Piedmont azalea, Zones 5-9.  This deciduous azalea, native to the southeastern U.S., is a beauty and one of my favorites.  I'm a sucker for pink!  Beautiful pink tubular flowers with long pink whiskery stamens form in clusters and are delightfully fragrant.

Rhododendron canescens, native to the southeast U.S. has pink buds that open to pale pink to white flowers with long pink stamens and are deliciously fragrant.Rhododendron canescens

Rhododendron luteum, Pontic azalea, Zones 5-6.  This is a deciduous azalea native to Asia Minor and eastern Europe with memorable bright yellow fragrant blooms in late April to May.  This one caught my eye in the gardens at Winterthur.

Rhododendron luteum, or Pontic azalea, has clear yellow fragrant flowers.Rhododendron luteum

Northern Lights series hybrid azaleas, Zones 3-7.  Deciduous azaleas for northern zones?  Absolutely!  Northern Lights is a special series bred for bud hardiness and ability to withstand cold temperatures.  They require full sun, acidic soil, and good drainage.  The series includes ‘Candy Lights,’ lavender ; ‘Golden Lights,’ yellow ; ‘Mandarin Lights,’ red-orange ; ‘Pink Lights,’ pink ; and ‘White Lights,’ white.

Rhododendron 'Mandarin Lights,' in brilliant red-orange, is from the Northern Lights series of hybrids bred for bud and cold hardiness in northern zones.Rhododendron 'Mandarin Lights'

Rhododendron prunifolium, plumleaf azalea, Zones 5-8.  This deciduous azalea is native to southwestern Georgia and southeastern Alabama is valuable for extending the azaleas season as it blooms in July.  The red-orange flowers are striking, but not fragrant.

Rhododendron prunifolium has bright red-orange flowers valuable for its summer bloom.Rhododendron prunifolium

Rhododendron schlippenbachii, royal azalea, Zones 4-6.  I would love to have this azalea species in my garden with its lovely pale pink fragrant flowers that smother it in May, but it does not like the heat and humidity of the South.  For those who live in the Northeast, however, this is one to consider.  Royal azalea grows in an upright vase shape to about 6’ or so, and in the fall the leaves turn glorious colors of yellow, orange, rose, and red.  This one was at Winterthur in Delaware. 

Rhododendron schlippenbachii is a lovely deciduous azalea with fragrant pale pink flowers and good fall color.Rhododendron schlippenbachii

Rhododendron vaseyi, pinkshell azalea, Zones 4-7.  This is a lovely native azalea of the eastern Blue Ridge Mountains with downward-facing blooms of rosy pink, and good fall color.  Best in northern zones with cooler temperatures, or higher elevations such as the Highlands, N.C. area.

Rhododendron vaseyi is native to the Blue Ridge Mountains.  The lovely flowers are downward facing, rosy-pink, and fragrant.  The foliage turns a good fall color.Rhododendron vaseyi

Rhododendron viscosum, swamp azalea, Zones 3-9.  Swamp azalea, as the common name implies prefers moist areas near swamps and the edges of ponds. The species has white flowers that are richly fragrant and bloom in May. Cultivars have been selected such as the pink ‘Soir de Paris’ below.

Rhododendron viscosum 'Soir de Paris' has fragrant pink flowers with an orange blotch.Rhododendron viscosum 'Soir de Paris'

Evergreen Rhododendrons and Azaleas


Evergreen rhododendrons and azaleas are the most magnificent flowering shrubs for the eastern part of the United States, and the Pacific coast.  The bloom period is relatively short, but what a spectacle it is in the spring garden.  Even out of bloom, rhododendrons and evergreen azaleas make an attractive, dark green backdrop, as other plants take center stage.  They have multiple uses, too, as backgrounds as mentioned, as specimens, as hedges, or as privacy screens.   

Many groups of hybrids have been developed by crossing species for traits such as cold hardiness, heat and humidity tolerance, large blooms and repeat flowering.  Genetic mutations also occur among native populations, and varieties are selected and named for their marked differences from the species.  There are so many cultivars that it is best to purchase from a local nursery that stocks varieties that were developed for your area.  Here are a few of the species and hybrid groups available.

Rhododendron carolinianum, Carolina rhododendron, Zones 5-8.  Native to the mountains of the Southeastern U.S.  This is a smaller shrub than Catawba below, and like all rhododendrons prefers rich soil, adequate moisture with good drainage, partial shade and cool temperatures. 

Rhododendron carolinianum is native to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North and South Carolina and Tennessee.  The flowers are a soft lilac-pink.Rhododendron carolinianum

Rhododendron catawbiense, Catawba rhododendron and hybrids, Zones 4-8.  Another native species, this shrub is larger is all aspects that Carolina rhododendron, leaves, flower trusses and overall size are larger and more impressive.  This species is also more cold hardy.  Many beautiful cultivars have been developed from the species with colors ranging from white to pink, lilac, purple, and red—even yellow.  Some of them include ‘Boule de Neige,’ white w/green speckles; ‘Cynthia,’ rose; ‘English Roseum,’ lilac-rose; 'Gomer Waterer,; white; ‘Horizon Monarch,’ yellow; ‘Jean-Marie de Montague,’ light red; ‘Nova Zembla,’ red’ ‘Peter Alan,’ purple w/dark splotch; ‘Purpureum Grandiflorum,’ purple;  and 'Sappho,' white w/dark purple splotch.

Rhododendron catawbiense, or Catawba rhododendron, is a species native to the eastern U.S. mountains.  It has large trusses of lilac-purple flowers.Rhododendron catawbiense
Rhododendron x 'Cynthia' has large trusses of rose flowers with darker markings.Rhododendron x 'Cynthia'
Rhododendron 'Jean Marie de Montague' has light red flowers held in a tight ball shape.Rhododendron 'Jean Marie de Montague'
Rhododendron 'Gomer Waterer' has light pink buds that open to white flowers with a pinkish tinge.Rhododendron 'Gomer Waterer'
Rhododendron 'Sappho' has white flowers with a dark purplish-black splotch.Rhododendron 'Sappho'

Rhododendron degronianum ssp. yakushimanum, “Yak” hybrids, Zones 5-7.  The species, from Yakushima Island, Japan, is a particularly lovely one, and has been the contributing parent to many beautiful hybrids, such as ‘Fantastica’ below.  The species is smaller than many rhododendrons, growing to about a dense 3’ x 4’ mound with narrow, under-curved leaves.  The bell-shaped flowers are rose-colored in bud opening to pink.  Their compactness and soft colors make them excellent garden choices.  Some hybrid choices include ‘Dreamland,’ pink to white; ‘Fantastica,’ red buds open to pink blooms; ‘Percy Wiseman,’ unusual peachy-pink and cream; 'Schneekrone' (Snow Crown), white; and 'Solidarity,' pink fading to white retaining pink on the edges.

Rhododendron degronianum is a Japanese native with beautiful white flowers flushed with rose pink.Rhododendron degronianum
Rhododendron x 'Fantastica' has big round trusses of blooms.  Dark pink buds open to pink flowers flushed with white.Rhododendron x 'Fantastica'
Rhododendron x 'Percy Wiseman' has an unusual color blend of peachy-pink and cream.  Gorgeous!Rhododendron x 'Percy Wiseman'
Rhododendron x 'Schneekrone' meaning 'Snow Crown,' is a white blooming hybrid.Rhododendron x 'Schneekrone'
Rhododendron 'Solidarity' has pale pink to rose blooms fading to white, but retaining some pink at the edges.Rhododendron 'Solidarity'

Encore hybrid azaleas, Zones 7-10.  Everyone is familiar with this series of evergreen azaleas that were bred to re-bloom in the fall.  Available in a wide range of colors from white to pink, rose, salmon, coral, red-orange, red, lavender, purple, and bi-colors.

Encore azalea 'Autumn Starlite' has white ruffled blooms with a green throat.Encore azalea 'Autumn Starlite'
Rhododendron x 'Autumn Twist' has bicolor pale pink blossoms with a pink blotch and irregular streaks and stripes in purple.Rhododendron x 'Autumn Twist'

Glenn Dale hybrid azaleas, Zones 6-9.  The Glenn Dale hybrids were developed for cold hardiness, a wide range of color, larger blooms, and long flowering period.  Hundreds were developed, but some of the best known are ‘Aphrodite,’ rose pink; ‘Fashion,’ salmon-pink; ‘Glacier,’white with green throat; ‘Pink Ice,’ pale pink; ‘Treasure,’ white w/pink.  The Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center in Dowell, Maryland has a nice collection.

Rhododendron x 'Dayspring' is a Glenn Dale evergreen azalea in lavender-pink.Rhododendron x 'Dayspring'
Rhododendron x 'Delaware Valley White' is a Glenn Dale hybrid evergreen azalea in pure white.Rhododendron x 'Delaware Valley White'
Rhododendron x 'Lullaby' is a Glenn Dale hybrid evergreen azalea in a soft salmon-pink.Rhododendron x 'Lullaby'

Kurume hybrid azaleas, Zones 6-9.  The Kurume group originated in Japan, and is well-known for its smaller flowers, many of the hose-in-hose type, wide range of colors and floriferous nature.  These are some of the ones that I remember seeing at all the garden centers, especially before the advent of Encore and other series, but they don’t seem to be as common now.  Familiar ones include ‘Coral Bells,’ coral-pink; ‘Hershey’s Red,' red; 'Hino-Crimson,' crimson-red; ‘Hinodegiri,’ red; ‘Pink Pearl,’ pink; ‘Sherwood Red,’ orange-red; ‘Snow,’ white’ and Tradition,’ pink. 

Kurume hybrid azalea 'Coral Bells' is smothered in small hose-in-hose soft coral flowers in spring.Kurume hybrid azalea 'Coral Bells'
Rhododendron x 'Hino-Crimson' cover itself with small single crimson red flowers in spring.Rhododendron x 'Hino-Crimson'
Rhododendron x 'Hinodegiri' has small deep red flowers on a compact shrub.Rhododendron x 'Hinodegiri'

Rhododendron macrosepalum, large-sepaled azalea, Zones 6-8.  Narrow, spidery petals distinguish this evergreen azalea. ‘Koromo shikibu,’ below, is a hybrid of unknown origin, though it is believed that R. macrosepalum is one parent. It has lavender flowers with a sweet scent, blooms mid-season, and can reach 8’ x 8’ in size.  'Linearifolium' has even narrower petals and leaves.

Rhododendron macrosepalum 'Koromo shikibu' has strappy lavender blooms on a dwarf spreading evergreen shrub.Rhododendron macrosepalum 'Koromo shikibu'
Rhododendron macrosephalum 'Linearifolium' has unusually narrow leaves and flower petalsRhododendron macrosephalum 'Linearifolium'

Rhododendron maximum, rosebay rhododendron, Zones 3-7.  Another Eastern North American native, rosebay rhododendron is quite common in shaded mountainous woodlands on slopes and along streams, and has not yet reached the popularity for home gardens that Catawba rhododendron cultivars have achieved in spite of its beauty due to specific cultural requirements.  Flowers are usually white with green splotches, but can suffused with rosy-pink to purplish-pink.  Fine for a home landscape as long as the requirements for moisture, excellent drainage and shade can be met.

Rhododendron maximum, or rosebay rhododendron is a large shrub found near  moist mountain streams.  It has large trusses of white to pinkish-purple flowers with green splotches.Rhododendron maximum

Robin Hill hybrid azaleas, Zones 6-8.   The Robin Hill hybrid azaleas are known for a long bloom period, often repeating in the fall, large blooms, and good cold tolerance.  They are in the intermediate range growing about 2-4’ h. x equal width. Varieties include ‘Congo,’ purple; ‘Conversation Piece,’ dark pink with both solid and variegated flowers on the same plant; ‘Glamora’ white; ‘Hilda Niblett,’ variegated pink and white; ‘Laura Morland,’ pink; 'Nancy of Robin Hill,' light pink double; and ‘Wachet,’ lavender-pink.

Robin Hill hybrid azalea 'Nancy of Robin Hill' is light pink with double Hose-in-hose flowers.Robin Hill hybrid azalea 'Nancy of Robin Hill'
Robin Hill hybrid azalea 'Wachet' has single flowers in lavender-pink with a darker blotch.Robin Hill hybrid azalea 'Wachet'

Satsuki hybrid azaleas, Zones 7-9.  Later blooming than other evergreen azaleas, the Satsuki hybrids have a spreading habit, are smaller growing and are often used for massing.  Often called Gumpo azaleas due to the popularity of the “Gumpo” varieties in white, pink, rose and red. 

Rhododendron 'Chinsei' is a Satuki hybrid with salmon-pink flowers.Rhododendron 'Chinsei'
Rhododendron 'Kusadama' is a lovely Satsuki hybrid in light pink with irregular darker pink markings.Rhododendron 'Kusadama'

Southern Indica hybrid azaleas, Zones 7-10.  The Southern Indica (sometimes called Southern Indian) group of evergreen azaleas have been extremely popular due to their large blooms and heat and sun tolerance.  These are large, vigorous shrubs that can reach 8-12’ in height with a 6-8’ spread, but can be kept in bounds with proper pruning.  Pruning should be done immediately after bloom to avoid removing next year’s buds.  Some of the best varieties include ‘Formosa,’ pink; ‘G. G. Gerbing,’ pure white; ‘George L. Tabor,’ pink with white variegation and darker pink blotch; ‘Judge Solomon,’ pinkish-purple.

Rhododendron 'George L. Taber' is a popular Southern Indica hybrid azalea light pink flowers edged in white and a dark pink blotch on the upper petal.Rhododendron 'George L. Taber'
Rhododendron x 'Judge Solomon' is a Southern Indica hybrid evergreen azalea in bright pink with a darker pink blotch.Rhododendron x 'Judge Solomon'

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