The list of trees with interesting bark continues for interest in the winter garden.
Davidia involucrata, dove tree—scaly texture
Eucalyptus—ornamental gray exfoliating tree bark revealing inner orange bark
Exochorda racemosa, pearlbush—gray, brown, orange scaly bark on older specimens
Fagus grandifolia, American beech—smooth, elegant silver-gray bark
Fagus sylvatica, European beech—smooth, gray bark
Ginkgo biloba, ginkgo--develops a furrowed, gray scaly hide with age
Gymnocladus dioicus, Kentucky coffeetree—dark gray, scaly, fissured and flaking
Halesia tetraptera, Carolina silverbell—alternating light and darker gray irregular vertical ridges
Kerria japonica, Japanese kerria—slender, supple stems that are bright green in winter
Lagerstroemia fauriei ‘Fantasy’—deep cinnamon red exfoliating bark
Lagerstroemia indica, crape myrtle—gray bark peels in long strips revealing smooth, mottled underbark. 'Natchez' shown below.
Magnolia grandiflora, Southern magnolia--broadleaf evergreen develops patchy, scaly gray "elephant hide" on older trees
Metasequoia glyptostroboides, dawn redwood—deciduous conifer with reddish exfoliating bark on mature trees; fluted trunks
Plant of the Month
Helleborus x ballardiae
'Shooting Star
Updated new USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map 2023.